
Updated 04 07 01


GPL/OpenSource point program for FidoNet
All-in-one, no extras needed
Easy to setup

I am looking for someone to join in an eventually take over the project.

If interested, please email me at mypoint (a) telia . com

MyPoint comes in two versions, one for DOS and one for Windows. They are totally separate programs, but uses the same messagebase and a user can freely switch between them.

The DOS-verison is the first one, begun about 1996, and written completely in a very special kind of assembly language of my own and therefore maybe of less interest.

The Windows (and perhaps later LinuX) version is written in Delphi and can be compiled for both VCL and CLX. This was done to enabling use of the native VCL components without involving QT.

The Windows version is very configurable. The user selects all fonts, colors and key assignments. The program is safe to try, it does not mesh up Windows in any way. Installation is done just by copying the files. Nothing outside the installation directory is touched, no DLL's, registry entries or whatever there can be are used.

MyPoint has up to now been closed source FreeWare, but is hereby released as open source under GPL license. All other references to licencing in dokumentation or elsewhere is left-overs not yet corrected and is overridden by this statement.

The DOS version and the special assembler needed is released in a day or so, the Windows version will follow shorty. There is some work to to with tidying up the files and work out what is needed to be set up in Delphi before it can be compiled. It contains lots of special controls that has to be added on the palettes.

Some sample screens of the Windows version can be seen